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Khamare (roots of Vetiver)

Khamare (roots of Vetiver)

Khamaré - The secret from Africa for well-being

Khamare, also known as vetiver root, is a versatile natural product from West Africa.

Regular price €4,49 EUR
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Product description

This aromatic root is valued for its numerous benefits. It can serve as a natural aphrodisiac, promoting vaginal health, helping to heal postpartum wounds, and soothing the digestive tract. Discover the natural powers of Khamare and incorporate them into your wellness routine.
Khamare root is easy to use and offers a variety of benefits for women. It can be infused as a tea to relieve menstrual cramps, used as a douche to promote vaginal health, or as a natural fragrance for a pleasant freshness. Discover the versatility of Khamare and enjoy the natural support it offers.

Further information



Sample recipe

Khamare Tea:

2-3 sprigs of khamare (vetiver root)
1 liter of water
honey or sugar to taste (optional)

Wash the khamare stalks thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris.
Bring the water to a boil and add the washed khamare stalks.
Reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer for about 10-15 minutes to release the flavors and active ingredients.
Remove the khamare stems and pour the tea into a cup.
If you like, you can add honey or sugar to sweeten the tea.
Let the tea cool down a bit and enjoy it warm.

This khamare tea can be a soothing and refreshing option to take advantage of the potential health benefits of this plant.

Important instructions

• Dosage: Use Khamare in appropriate amounts according to the recommendations. Excessive consumption can have undesirable effects.

• Pregnancy and lactation: Pregnant women should avoid Khamare as it may have certain contraindications. It is advisable to consult a doctor before use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

• Medications and Health Conditions: If you are taking any medications or have any health concerns, consult a healthcare professional before using Khamare to clarify any possible drug interactions or contraindications.

• Quality and Provenance: Make sure you're getting quality khamare root from trusted sources, especially if you're using it for medicinal or health purposes.

• Allergic Reactions: Watch your body for any allergic reactions or unwanted side effects, especially when using Khamare for the first time.

• Storage: Store Khamare in a cool, dry place to preserve its freshness and potency.