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Akpisamen, Djansang

Akpisamen, Djansang

Djansang: The powerful superfood from Africa

Discover Djansang, a nutrient-dense superfood from the tropical forests of Africa. Also known as akpi seeds, Djansang is not only popular in traditional African cuisine but is also valued worldwide for its diverse health benefits.

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Akpi seeds

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Product description

Akpi seeds, native to the tropical regions of West Africa, are a true gem in the world of spices and an indispensable part of traditional African cuisine. Also known as African nutmegs, these small seeds are characterized by their rich, nutty and slightly bitter flavor that can enrich a variety of dishes. They are particularly popular for flavoring stews, soups, sauces and meat dishes, where they add a distinctive depth of flavor and complexity.

In the kitchen, akpi seeds can be used in various ways. They can be whole, ground or roasted to intensify their flavors and create an even more full-bodied taste experience. When roasted, the seeds develop an intense aroma that is reminiscent of a combination of nutmeg, cocoa and coffee. In ground form, they can be easily combined with other spices and thus offer a versatile base for spice mixtures.

In addition to their use in cooking, akpi seeds are also valued for their potential health benefits. They contain valuable nutrients, including fats, proteins and various vitamins, making them a nutritious addition to the diet. In traditional medicine, they are used for a variety of purposes, from relieving digestive problems to strengthening the immune system.

Akpi seeds are suitable for anyone looking for new, exotic and healthy ingredients. They offer an easy way to add a touch of African cuisine to everyday dishes and are an ideal choice for experimental chefs and lovers of world cuisines.

Further information



Sample recipe

Quick akpi seed spice rice

1 tablespoon akpi seeds, ground
1 cup basmati rice
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 cups of water
Salt to taste

• Wash the rice: Rinse the basmati rice under cold water until the water runs clear.
• Roasting akpi seeds: Roast the ground akpi seeds in a dry pan for 1-2 minutes until aromatic. Then grind coarsely.
• Saute onions: Heat the olive oil in a pot and fry the chopped onions until translucent.
• Cook rice: Add the washed rice and akpi seeds. Stir briefly, then add the water and salt.
• Boil: Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and cover the pot. Let the rice simmer for 15-20 minutes until cooked through.
• Serve: Fluff the rice with a fork and serve warm as a side dish.
Can be served with various sauces
This simple recipe with akpi seeds gives the classic basmati rice a nutty and exotic twist.

Important instructions

• Storage: Akpi seeds should be stored in an airtight container to protect them from moisture and pests. A cool, dry place, like a spice cabinet or pantry, is ideal.

• Protect from heat: As with many seeds and nuts, exposure to too much heat can affect the oils in the akpi seeds and result in a rancid taste.

• Proper Roasting: When roasting the akpi seeds to intensify their flavor, make sure to do so on low to medium heat. Overheating can burn the seeds and alter their flavor.

• Dosage: Akpi seeds have a strong, distinct taste. Start with a small amount and adjust to taste.

• Inspect before use: Check seeds for mold or unusual odors before use, as this may indicate poor quality or storage.

• Grind if necessary: ​​For some recipes the akpi seeds can be ground. A coffee grinder or mortar works well for this.

• Allergy sufferers caution: Those with nut allergies should exercise caution as akpi seeds can cause similar reactions.